
The abstract art of Basel artist Nic Boss reaches the viewer on several levels. On the one hand, the paintings pamper the eye with their intense colors and conjure up a powerful atmosphere in any room. Secondly, the pictures made of epoxy resin have a positive effect on the viewer’s well-being – and this is intentional. As a mental trainer and hypnotherapist, Nic Boss knows about the effect that colors have on the subconscious and therefore on mood. Color psychology teaches us that colors manifest feelings.

Nic Boss incorporates this knowledge into her work, transforming abstract art into Mind Art, i.e. art for the mind and soul. With her work, the artist makes people subconsciously aware of the effect by letting her pictures speak.

A depth that has an effect on mental well-being. And quite deliberately so. The abstract art of Basel artist Nic Boss is given a special twist thanks to aspects of color psychology: her impressive paintings have a positive effect on the viewer’s subconscious. The large-format paintings are able to manifest pleasant feelings – a major interest of the artist. Whether in the living room, office, surgery or retail space: Nic Boss’s resin art paintings transport positive vibes into any room. Bring a lifestyle into your rooms that moves you.

Intensive Creation Phase, Color-psychological Effect

The elaborate, time-consuming process of creating art with epoxy resin, also known as resin, has a meditative effect for Nic Boss. The resin is mixed with color pigments in a specially devised process and applied to different surfaces in several layers using various techniques.

In particular, studying the colors and creating the right combinations and shapes puts the artist in an almost hypnotic state while she works. This results in works of art with an individual message: the finished picture has a special effect on the viewer’s subconscious. As is known from color psychology, for example, yellow triggers joy, green triggers growth, blue promotes confidence and strong colors such as magenta or purple support success and self-confidence.

The works of art influence the viewer subconsciously – it is the subconscious that decides which picture to buy. The buyer does not have to be aware of the effect of the colors and can trust his or her own instincts.

Viewing the Originals

Nic Boss’s originals can be viewed in an art gallery in Reinach BL by appointment at